If your credit score is less than perfect, you may have trouble getting the interest rate you desire on loans. This can be particularly problematic if you are trying to buy a new car or take out a mortgage. However, while it may take a while to get your score up to where you’d like […]
Posts by Bentley Leonard:
3 Things You Shouldn’t Include in Your Last Will and Testament
Creating a lasting will and testament is an extremely wise decision because it outlines exactly how you want your property to be divided after your death. However, while you may think that everything you own should be included in this document, this isn’t always the case. Some of the things you shouldn’t put in your […]
Can an Attorney Help with a Mortgage Refinance?
There are a myriad of reasons why homeowners decide to go with a mortgage refinance. Although the #1 reason many homeowners decide to refinance is to get a lower interest rate, refinancing is a beneficial way to convert an ARM, cash out to consolidate debt, and consolidate two mortgages. If you are one of the […]
What You Should Know about Bankruptcy Law
Excessive debt and the looming threat of foreclosure is the worst nightmare of many homeowners. While many think bankruptcy is their only way to relief, it is important that homeowners understand the basic facets of bankruptcy law before they make the final decision to file. When you file for bankruptcy, you must tell either a […]
Five Tips for a Trouble-Free Real Estate Closing
In an ideal world, going to a real estate closing should be a simple process where the homebuyer and seller sign a few documents, exchange checks and keys, shake hands, and go home. Unfortunately, it’s rare that it’s ever this easy. In order to ensure that your real estate closing goes smoothly: Communicate and ask […]
Need Legal Services? Contact Us at Leonard & Moore, PLLC
When you are in need of bankruptcy lawyers, choose Leonard & Moore, PLLC. We are Asheville, North Carolina’s leading experts on legal matters concerning chapter 7 bankruptcy, chapter 13 bankruptcy. We will take care of your real estate closings and estate law, including the preparation of powers of attorney, wills, guardianships, trusts and domestic partnership […]
When to Consider Getting a Power of Attorney
If you own property and have an income, securing a financial power of attorney may be in your best interests. However, drafting this document is particularly important if you fear that health problems may make it impossible for you to handle your own affairs later on in life. In addition to health concerns, there are […]
The Connection Between Bankruptcy Law and Your Credit Score
Many people who file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy are worried about how their credit score will be affected. Since bankruptcy law and credit are closely intertwined, this is a real concern. However, the way bankruptcy impacts one person’s credit score and the way it affects another’s may be entirely different. Often, the affect […]
Why You Need an Agent and an Attorney When Buying Real Estate
Buying a home, especially if you are going to be a first-time homeowner, is extremely exciting. However, it can be easy to get carried away in the excitement of buying real estate and forget to check (and double check) important details. Here’s why you not only need a real estate agent when you are buying […]
Debt Negotiation & Settlement: An Alternative to Bankruptcy
The thought of bankruptcy can be intimidating and a little overwhelming. However, if you were the victim of financial misfortune and have found yourself in debt, bankruptcy is not your only option. Your attorney may suggest that you consider debt negotiation & settlement as an alternative to declaring bankruptcy. During debt negotiation & settlement, a […]